Went into this one more skeptical than it deserved - no doubt because of how much I loved the second episode of the Moffat / Gattis DRACULA that covered the same chapter of the novel - and came out satisfied. Nothing spectacular, but not a bad film by any means: solid performances throughout, some great shippy-atmosphere, and an Orlock-infused Dracula. That being said, all of the above deserved a less pedestrian direction; can only imagine what a more visceral, artistic director would have made of it. Can’t stop thinking that DEMETER would have been a perfect fit for John Carpenter or Ridley Scott (especially given its ALIEN inspiration). (*** / *****)

three quick ((+/-) spoiler-free) notes on PICARD, 3-10

  • While I still hate that it took the show this long to get this good, I'm glad it got there eventually – though it was so very, very close to losing me at multiple points in the first two seasons. Seven and Raffi saved it both times for me.

  • Which means I'm all there for the next next generation – be it a series or a standalone film.

  • I'll miss the TNG'ers, but what a sendoff. Glad they finally got the farewell they deserved; as they said once before, “All good things…”

five quick notes on PICARD 3.6

  • Best episode of the season and of the series. I repeat: why did it wait this long to get this good?

  • Felt, appropriately, like the start of a goodbye to an era – but also a hello towards a new one.

  • (Reiterating my desire for a series featuring the crew of the Titan and Jack Crusher.)

  • Are you going to make it out of this one alive, Will?

  • Way to call back to the start of the series; that's a hell of a McGuffin.