ice and more winter etc

Ice but no snow day. Slip, sliding, etc etc but I've yet to fall on my ass, literally and figuratively, so I've got that going for me (which is nice) though the day is young.

Finished STAR TREK DISCOVERY's third season last night: so, so good. Love this show; Burnham rocks. Will probably wait for season four to wrap up before we watch it, though. Looking forward to PICARD, Season Two and the start of STRANGE NEW WORLDS; ‘tis a good time to be a lifelong Trekkie or whatever we're calling ourselves nowadays (I'm really not up on the current state of the slew of fandoms and I'm all the happier for it).

The dogchildren have been sustained; back to work.

Thanos’s fleece / mego horror / Dreamguest

Discombobulation: recovering, somewhat, from a seesaw/PunyGod day of crashing and spiking bloodsugar. Probably a combo of getting my run/row routine back in sync and the relief over a project release (even though it was the least stressful TSR recording/release process since the show's inception – thank you Mac Mini and Scarlett 2i2), the closing of an open loop – but, either way, the superbouncebloodball remains in effect: the harder you hit the floor, the higher you bounce, bounce, bounce... repeat, ad infinitum.

A dream between then and now of Thanos's dismay that I had assembled a Lego set before him. I think it was a Lego of the FRIENDS apartment or maybe SEINFELD though I’ve not assembled either – probably would have been more lifelike had it been a race to assemble the ‘89 Batmobile / Batwing sets (I win); Thanos also wore a fleece vest and camo pants and scratched his hand where the Gauntlet had been: how the mighty have fallen.

Snap / bounce, bounce, bounce...

Speaking of dreams: Dream TSR guest: Guillermo del Toro to talk NOSFERATU (1922) and VAMPYR; must upgrade the latter to Blu.

Obsession with the Mego Horror line continues: Lon Chaney joins the above-the-corkboard lineup of Karloff, Lee, Lanchester, Chaney Jr, and Rains. Cushing, Hedison, more Karloff, and Chapman/Brown potentially inbound. Scope the Masque of the Red Death:

Have to work on finding the router a new home and solve this spotty office internet bollocks once and for all. Note to self: placing said router next to a wall with a brick chimney in it probably wasn't the best idea but I went where the cable line went. Anticipating basement fun of shifting one cable line to another hole – but at least I (might) get to break out the drill.

Winter Weather Advisory inbound, 1600 today - 0900 tomorrow. Not unlikely that Friday as snowday by default will continue.


Returning, I think, to a once-daily (with exceptions made for new work or announcements) posting regimen here: I like the slowness (slower processing, slower thinking, slower process) of it – and the feeling of breath not being wasted (or, rather, of breath wasted in something of a semi-conscious way that lends itself to craft improvement / processing of processing) though I can't discount the possibility that I'm in another of those "burn down everything and rebuild again" modes without actually burning down anything but with plenty of rebuilding – a controlled dis-assembly, perhaps, like when Amish neighbors tear down an old house, plank by plank, to build a newer version of the same house behind it, an occurrence which never ceases to fascinate.

This is my new house. Same as the old house. But a different house.

Maybe I'm considering this because I don't want to be online as much, don't want to be scavenging so much. All I do know is that a change is needed... especially as I get busier and more cognizant of my diminishing time in what probably should count as a midlife crisis, in a way (as they say in the crosswords). All that midlife not-knowing aside, there's some form of unsettling and I'm taking every step I can think of to defragment my brain so I can think of more stuff.

(Also, I want to bring back EarBliss and Newsletter Sunday as journal features; publishing these via the Mac Mini is the best way to do it.)

I also want – in spite of an insane week ahead – to spread out my workday: I'm tired of jamming everything I want to do into four hours in the morning and feeling like shit for the rest of the day as I stare down an inability to do anything but adhere to the designs and whims of duties and people real and imagined: for me, the only way through these feelings of inadequacy is to do the work, to make efforts to push things forward – even if that forward is into the ether of indifference (career advice: be prepared to practice much dentistry, often without novocaine, in "raising awareness" of your work).

So here we are: if the newsletter is the sum of the week, let these daily convenings be the terminus of the morning and the sum of the day previous, a public collision of thoughts and scraps collected in handwritten privacy over the course of a day in the life. And so it is and so it goes.


Always fascinating (and mortifying) to observe mental state when in a bout of hyperglycemia, the T1D chicken and egg being "am I feeling this way because my blood sugar is a raging mess or is my blood sugar a raging mess because I'm feeling this way?", the answer being, as ever, Yes.

Managed to get K to share in my addiction to Netflix's EVIL GENIUS: rewatched the first two episodes with her yesterday (I had started it on the rowing machine as that is my vehicle of true crime addiction; I've switched over to CRIME SCENE: THE VANISHING AT THE CECIL HOTEL), will probably wrap up the final episode this afternoon or evening.

The dogchildren have been sustained; back to work.


Winter weather advisory ended at 0700 on this, snow day number (N): seems like Fridays have been snowdays by default these last several weeks. A sleet downpour last night – never seen anything quite like it – and much slipping and sliding during the pre-bedtime dogchildren outdoor ablutions. Settled to flurries by this morning's waking; probably an inch of snow under a deep unknown quantity of ice – though, to judge by the current snowstate, we could end up with a lot more than that. Or not... Closer and closer to knowing what the next chunk of this new-thing-a-decade-old is; the dogchildren require sustenance / back to work / the day awaits.


Clearly, a weird weather day ahead: Pouring rain right now, a foot of snow continuing to melt, an inch of snow and ice forecast for evening and overnight. Creeks throwing a fit, Puppers refusing to go have a piss outside. Vigil against potential office flooding has begun though I don't think it will rain hard enough to break through but at this point, who knows.

On the bright side, fully – thanks to the help of a friend (whose work never ceases to amaze) that helped me see what I hadn't been seeing – cracked this comics thing / prelude after a decade of trying. It also took a line I had thought was the start of a fourth story module to reveal itself as an integral line in this comics thing to bring it all together. A few more nips and tucks to the script and then I have to figure out what to do with it – because this thing IS coming to life: my 15 years of comics writing heartbreak WILL end this year goddammit.

Think that's it – at least it's all I've written down up to now. The dogchildren require sustenance; the day awaits.


I'd forgotten how much fun doing podcast interviews can be when I don't spend most of the conversation terrified that it won't record: bowled over by the ease of the Mac Mini and the Scarlett, the anticlimactic "test / check" that lasted all of two seconds because it just WORKS; hopefully this relief translates into being open to doing more TSR conversations and, in so doing, continuing to grow and refresh my interview chops.

Ebbing of the terror had another effect this morning: dug out a project that had been in various stages of work and mothballs for the last decade or so and finally cracked it and, unless the next workchunk yields caution, have found a near-final version of a prelude. Nice to have see a glimmer of creative ability once more; I needed this little victory.

The day awaits.