And we're back to sub-mile daily runs wrought by blood sugar crashes. First time since I started running 12 years ago that I ran the first route, "around the block," that got me started. Wanting to believe that it's an omen of my rebuilding back to my daily 5k (I've given up hope of ever reaching my once-daily 10k in this, the age of NuHerbie) but I'd rather stuff my face with pink Starburst right now TYVM. Another insulin decrease duly initiated.

First run of more than a half a mile in days. Usually aim for a 5k every day, but as per standard T1D practices, weather and a sudden downshift in insulin requirements (not that I'm complaining) over the last several days precluded me being anything but a glucose-tablet-and/or-pink-Starburst-stuffing mess after more than half a mile. Managed a little over two miles this morning which hopefully signals that nuHerbie's dialed in to the new, decreased requirements and drip-drip of life. Hopefully I’ll make it back to 5k+ this week though who knows.