In which I realize that KIRBY looked like a Chemex during his 12 days of conelife a year or so ago

Another one from the archive, now with series name, VIOLENTLY ADORABLE: ‘tis a story behind it. Went to a car dealership when Kirby was a wee tot, not much bigger than The Morkie and The Jorkie, and one of the salespeople called Kirby “Violently Adorable” which I thought was the greatest compliment ever so I’m stealing it for this little series of excuses to use the Apple Pencil.

PolterPup FTW

As if I wasn't already a proud husband, you may now consider me a proud gamer/husband: my wife, who has spent the last decade insisting that she could never get into video games (other than the Apple Arcade / iOS puzzle ones / CandyCrush monstrosities) and that the dual thumbsticks screw her up is now fully addicted to her Nintendo Switch (I traded up for an OLED and gave her my Lite): MARIO KART 8 was the gateway drug. Went out yesterday and she picked out her first game of her own, LUIGI'S MANSION 3 (very fun, actually) and, once we figured out what she needed to do, she was well and truly hooked.

Still making my way through ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD, cooking inedible dishes, and gliding around and about with occasional dalliances into MARIO KART and, when I'm feeling particularly sadistic with myself, CUPHEAD.

ComicsThing in Muse board: pictures abound and my brain is simultaneously happy and overwhelmed... the crush of it all but the opportunity of it all. Never underestimate the value of seeing things laid out before you, even it's in a weird sort of digital hybrid. Now to figure out what to do with it, how to make Obsidian and Muse play well together / what needs to stay what needs to go, that sort of thing.