I am now part cyborg and have sent my first insulin dose from my insulin pump into my person via phone. I also ate a pork chop. Resistance remains futile.
Today’s the day: may the era of my cyborg pancreas begin. Resistance is futile.
New TSR: Liam Wong
THE SOCIALIZED RECLUSE returns with my conversation with director, game designer, and photographer Liam Wong (TO:KY:OO and AFTER DARK): I’ve long been a fan of his work – and getting the chance to talk with him about art, work, games, and inspirations, was one of those “this is why I wanted to do this show in the first place” moments. You can check out the whole conversation here.
My next SOCIALIZED RECLUSE episode, a conversation with Liam Wong, is intro'ed, outro’ed, edited, time-stamped, and ready to go. Have to write up the post and all the associated podcast things, but will launch late tomorrow morning.
egomaniacal AI slime
Via Print Mag, a piece worth reading on the current Lensa phenomenon:
Fortunately there are enough best-of-year music lists in my feeds right now to keep me stocked in listening until next year’s best-of lists.