
After a rough start this morning (the past month, really) on the new thing (at least partially the same as the old thing), think I've found the/a way forward. Finding that germ, that gem, whatever, always being the most intimidating prospect at the start of something new: the hook, the angle, maybe... and that mistaken belief that it gets easier with time, with "experience.”


And, while it's still too broad a view for any level of detail-oriented depth, those essential "small assignments" provide, at least, a place to begin – which doesn't mean it's the beginning – only a place to start.

Which is certainly not nothing.

Feels like I've finally hit the sweet spot with this site. Tags and channels and methods and all of that. Who knows if it'll remain this way but, for now, I'll take it for what it is and enjoy myself.

P.S. Happy 95th birthday to my grandfather: still, and always, the best man I’ve ever known.