comics / circling

Still loving Obsidian and this knowledge base sense of scavenging my brain and circling (in the holding pattern sense) the results from above and within. It really is a tool that's far more in line with my thought processes and the way I work – though it does require a modicum of faith that all the disparate pieces will connect and that I'll be able to turn them into something worthwhile. (I’m working on getting there, faith - of any kind - never being my strong suit.)

Spent yesterday afternoon on the comics thing: a clarity WRT the rules of the world(s) in which I'm mucking about. From past experience, comics being my unicorn and all – that mythological yettobe – I'm leaving open the possibility that the final iteration of these stories will be serialized or standalone shorts/novellas. That said, I'm writing them in script format an amplifying my ambitions accordingly: I want these to be comics; it is way past time that I express myself in this medium which I love so dearly.

Also, comics: I love that writing in script format exercises a different part of my creative brain – and, if nothing else, I've always found said format to be a more beneficial first draft of any final medium than a prose-vomit draft.

Next thing to decide is whether I work on one project each day or split the day into multiple. Both have their pros and cons.

Happy that this space has become a full-on catchall; it feels like home.