
Good morning. I have fixed a pencil sharpener – or at least removed the offending blockage: this is the morning's great achievement.

As per usual, nothing is singing to me in the Main Thing – though I might have found an interesting narrative chord with which to improv: "When something's not coming, it's coming, " as Nick Cave reminds us. (This is what I tell myself.)

Efforts continue to shift writing – mentally (writing is and always will be my profession, my Work) – back to being a hobby, to playing, to recapture that sense of falling in love with process and losing time to it (much as my wife is capable of in her garden and how, growing up, I used to love nothing more than waking up before everyone, pulling my covers off the bed, making a fort, taking my action figures inside, and concocting all sorts of stories and adventures), stopping only at alarms – and then, begrudgingly so. Podwork/LifeEtc feels more like the job than the writing, a less-selfish balance to the pervasive selfishness of writing.

Speaking of: interview for TSR0008 today.