Opportunity Simulacra

Good morning; a growlfest over the dogbed under my desk has come to a draw. Battle lines continue.

I am, according to my new doctor, healthy (other than that T1D thing, but I'll take what I can get). Tetanus shot and resultant blood sugar surge which should abate over the next day or so. Bloodwork next week for a fuller picture – fasting, which should be interesting: all persons within a five mile radius would be advised, next Thursday morning, to keep arms and hands away from me until at least 0800.

Thinking: my frustration with this area where comfort and tradition is valued above all else lies not in lack of "opportunity" itself, but in a lack of opportunity for chance, for serendipity; 99% of everything worthwhile in my life has come about because I wasn't actively seeking something; it sort of appeared – with the caveat being that I was, from a craft standpoint, ready for it to do so. Further: a recognition that I'm screwing myself by trying to create those chance / serendipitous opportunities via digital means (which is one of the great illusions of the social mediascape); it's like trying to create a tree from cut wood: I can stack the pieces into a simulacrum, but nothing new grows.

That said, I still love thinking here and putting these whatevers into the world. A useful brain salve between chunks of work. Dogchildren require sustenance; TSR intro/segue/outro recording later today.