Deer / Discord

AM Blood sugar surge. Loads of insulin: but I will never give up my Multi-Grain Cheerios. Never.

Local flavor headline: "Deer carry COVID virus: what this means for hunters." Since it's behind a paywall and I'm not willing to shell out for their shitty writing and resentment-cum-nostalgia headlines, I can only offer my best guess as to what this means for hunters: Don't kiss the deer. Or go to a bar with the deer. But if you must go to a bar with a deer, wear a mask with the deer. Be socially distant from the deer. Note: It is not a violation of your freedoms or the deer's freedoms to wear a mask. Deer constitutions are explicit in this.

(A deer in a bar with a mask is, I will admit, more than moderately amusing.)

In other news: I'm continuing to hone and refine my Obsidian workflows: now writing each day's work on an individual sheet for that day, which I then process and disperse into destination documents/folders the next day to give me a place to start. Will see how this works.

Final thought before dog sustenance: creativity = ability to make audience and creator wonder "where did they come up with that?" coupled with the capacity to execute to vision to said compelling fruition. The day awaits.