Bloodwork Drive Disarray

Schedule thrown into disarray this morning: year-late fasting blood work. But here I am, stuck, drawn, and scribbling these scraps to no one in particular. Something I noticed on the hunger-panged drive to the bloodwork, my first time in a few years on the pre-dawn roads (given that my pre-dawn hours are spent at The Work): people drive fast before the sun comes up. Everyone has somewhere to be, I suppose.

Today could qualify as "one of those days": not particuarly a surge of depression (thank you, happy pills), but not feeling particularly great about the state of things in my orbit either. Unease isn't the right word, nor is "down"; it's something else. Can't quite figure it. Resigned? No…

TSR0007, featuring Fran Dominguez, AKA Forest Robots, is now live. On with the day.