Surprise / Restart

Slowly but surely winding my way to the smaller assignments from the broadness of an idea; a question that I always ask of myself: have I found the smallest angle, the smallest sliver? It's only through that self-interrogation that I find my way to something bigger, something that I didn't know I was looking for – and that's the key, really: to be able to surprise yourself.

Speaking of surprise / slight panic: a weird Obsidian tic this morning: it refused to leap into text editing mode after plugging into monitor / bluetooth keyboard / wireless mouse. Restart + opening a new Zettlekasten note and typing in it seems to fix.

A whining Kirby, the lament of the growing puppy who just ate first breakfast / first nom-noms three hours ago, signals that (second)breakfasttime is nigh. The day awaits.