The Story of Today’s COVID-Call

(13:39), The phone rings, not the Imperial Death March so I know it's not one of our elders.

Nurse: Your COVID test came back positive.

Me: Oh.

(Aside: Not surprising, really: my fully-vaxxed wife is back to teaching school in the only masked district in the county and I'm likewise vaxxed but idiots capable of breathing surround on all sides. Nonetheless, feel fine, all good. Running six miles a day. Same as every day.)

(Back to scene.)

Well, just keep doing what you're doing, you’re probably past quarantine stage anyhow so you don't need to be re-swabbed.

I wasn't swabbed. Ever.

Oh. But your test –

I wasn't swabbed.

Let met talk to Dr...

(Minutes, on hold.)

Dr: … yeah, you can't learn if you have COVID from a blood test. You're sure you weren't swabbed?

I know I wasn't swabbed.

Then... I need to figure out what's going on. Quite a way to start with a new doctor!


How are you feeling?


Ok, I'll call you back.


Nurse: You're fine. There was some screwup with the lab.

So I'm fine.

You're fine.

Quite a Monday.

Quite a Monday.
