
The AC has awakened, maskless schoolchildren roaming the streets, pre-attendance playtime screams and barking dogs and barking Kirbys, the quiet of my pre-breakfast idyll being, as ever, shattered with the half-sun. But here I am.

Released Ep0008 of The Socialized Recluse yesterday, featuring my chat with Steve Niles on all things Universal Monsters, comics, and Gil. The response has been amazing - so thank you.

Speaking of, early morning tweet-gushing:

Very excited for what’s next, but: this is my first day off from podwork since June, the next first call taking place at the end of the month. Full-fledged prep for that will begin in about a week. in the meantime, want to push ahead with the other plates, back full-on writing to push forward on the T1D piece and shift a couple of smaller projects – Story0003 and something else that's still forming – from the "Percolating" Trello list to the "Working" one.

I will celebrate by going to get additional blood work done because I apparently have high calcium levels, which, I’ve found, is sort of the “Check Engine” light of the bloodstream. I either eat too much cheese or have cancer. 99.9999% it’s the former.

Dear XR, my precious: even though you are now discontinued, I will always love you and hold onto your cracked self with all I have until your dying day.