Squeaky Franken-systems

Kirby is squeaking his squeaky ball in my ear: this is the way.

More metabolic blood has been drawn and, finally, the month-later weekly project file review is complete. Never underestimate how good that feels and the weight it lifts.

Obsidian/etc systems organization process continues but I'm finally shaping – through much trial and much error – Obsidian into the best representation of how I think (now, and perhaps previous). The capacity of Obsidian to be personalized continues to amaze: while I like parts of different systems – zettelkasten, etc - I find limiting myself to one is too, well, limiting; I prefer to synthesize my own Frankenstein monster from the scraps of other systems based upon my thought processing needs at the present moment with the sole overarching criterion being that it empties my brain each day to let the new in, to give problems the space to work themselves out in the subconscious before the next workblock/workday

(The knowledge of Obsidian's boundless adaptability is as important to me as the future-proofing of writing in Markdown/text files.)

Meanwhile, in local news: shock of shocks as state Republicans approve redisticting map that continues their stranglehold on statewide power. The Idiocracy remains.

On with the day.