Quotebacks / Talking to Myself

  • Started using Quotebacks here since Squarespace’s offerings looked awful. So far, Quotebacks is much nicer – and far prettier – though a bit unwieldy in iPadOS. Which just means that I'll have to really feel like quoting someone else / something in this space if I'm willing to go through the workflow to bring it to post. Not a bad thing. While I'm sure I'll link to other sites, it's most likely that I'll use it primarily for quotations and passages from books I'm reading, with links back to that title's Worldcat page.

  • (Would love to figure out an action in Drafts; maybe make it a flagged post that I add the necessary info? )

  • Using the comment system to talk to myself and update posts (as with REMINISCENCE). And, of course, to talk to other people. Like you, Scott. But mostly myself: if I'm going to be talking to myself anyhow, I might as well do it in a space I enjoy. And I do enjoy this.

  • I still want to figure out a use for Discord but I've yet to do so. I don’t even know how to link to the channel or myself or whatever.

  • Still considering Office Hours for NL subscribers, but I'm not sure if there’s a point other than to have something else to consider.