Good morning; it’s currently 49ºF under sunny skies: hoodies are on and things are moving along, if only in a constancy of fits and spurts.
After much back and forth decided on a middle ground between a digital zettelkasten system and an analog one: I'll use the digital as a sort of index, but, if I want to explore things and thoughts further, I'll reference the notebook page where they exist (as I would with a regular book, for example). Think this is a happy medium that addresses some of my tech/thoughtprivacy concerns. Since I just started, I can afford to shift things around – but that window is closing.**
Never underestimate the power of a phone call to get something done, especially when the automated man at the pharmacy is a slacker. "Your prescription will be ready on Tuesday... on Wednesday"... an hour after a single call to the endo, the pharmacy text: your prescription is ready. My CGM/anti-theft tag will be implanted anew this afternoon, the march towards bluetoothiness continuing ever forward.
The dog-children require sustenance; the day awaits.