
Writing is, I've determined after my years of abject toiling, the public exhibition of learning to be patient with oneself.

Starting to think of these - as I probably shouldve done from the start – as edited, somewhat, for public consumption, versions of my daily, handwritten journal. The structure is all too similar: an opening ramble, the timeblock, followed by whatever random shit interests me or confounds me throughout the day. Only thing I'm not doing is a final scribble at day's end; I've tried that here, and it didn't work for me. Alas.

Have to wrap up BLOW OUT today as I found, as soon as I started it, that it was leaving Criterion Channel today. Excellent film so far – no clue why I've never seen it before, given my De Palma love, but there you go.

The day awaits. Bricks under a desk for a new standing desk.