Doorframe Hazards

Good morning; it's currently 46ºF under sunny skies and we have all had our sustenance, omelets and kibble, etc. etc. My blood sugar has tanked into the green (a good thing) for reasons as yet inexplicable but whatever they are, I'll take them.

Morning's work a struggle. Turned to morning pages – either a sign of desperation or a useful exercise, or both - which, similarly, yielded nothing.

That said: throwing out everything you had written on that nonfic essay/comics thing yesterday afternoon and starting from scratch ended up yielding more than you had written in its previous iteration. This might become something after all. In this case, then, it was all worth it.

Item: considering taking MacroParentheticals bi-weekly to shorten the monthly dispatch from the normal 1300-1500 words to a more digestable 500-750. Thoughts welcome in comments below.

Pro tip: when you get your first royalty check after earning out on your first book the only real option is to bulk-buy a thousand index cards for your brain catalog. And CGM sensor covers – because the Libre is great, until you run into something and rip it off. Door frames, in particular, being a hazard. Also, puppy. These sensor covers keep my anti-theft device snug as a bug and require only, in return, a fortnightly sacrifice of a layer of skin upon removal.

The day awaits.