BS / Backronym


Blood sugar headscratching continues but looks like I'm leveling off. Brutal see-saw / PUNY GOD HULK SMASH chart-day yesterday. Still a bit under the weather but, as ever, blood sugar is earning its BS initialism.

Random thought: I've now learned that a "backronym" is "a phrase that is constructed "after the fact" from a previously existing word. For example, the novelist and critic Anthony Burgess once proposed that the word "book" ought to stand for "box of organized knowledge."

Boxes of organized knowledge” are awesome.

Other news: started the morning by saying "I need to get around to writing a new TGL episode" and then wrote a new TGL episode (when I should have been reviewing the handwritten stuff from the first workchunk but oh well); probably out tomorrow or Thursday afternoon.

On that HW thing: though it's getting more legible, my handwriting is still pretty atrocious. This atrocity has led to a different approach to HW: when transcribing to work in Obsidian, I don't necessarily transcribe verbatim (because I can't) but seek out repeating phrases or words: generally speaking, that gives me a pretty good idea of where I'm heading, and what's worth looking into, legibly.

The day awaits.