Brain-dots dwindling


No news on K's wrist other than we're going to go see an ortho surgeon / wrist specialist this afternoon. Rare trip out of the county to a different parking lot which means I do get to read so that'll be nice.

Structural things worked out in NonFic Thing, bringing its rotation in my two-days-on-two-days off work cycle (two on Main Thing, two on NonFic Thing which is on its way to becoming a Main Thing, so maybe I should split them up into FicThing and NonFicThing) to a close.

At the point where the brain-full of dots has dwindled and the time is nigh to start a very rough assembly. Drew the thing out on big paper (thanks, Nick), and a path forward emergent: 'm out of dots to add and the only way to find more is to start a very rough assembly: if I go with the structure that I've found seems to be working, the NonFicThing will end up with at least 112 nodes/chapters/modules/something spread out over five-to-seven sections. Note that this far from final and is, at this point, representative of my best understanding of how NonFicThing MIGHT work.

Reasonably proud of yesterday’s GROUND LOOP episode. Got a lot off my chest in that one – and the RSS fix – thanks, Scott and Squarespace (you may be screwing up the editing capacity of your apps, but your customer service is fantastic) – helped; let the lesson ring forth that thou shalt not copy and paste into the post title field but thou shalt manually type the post title lest thou fuck up thy RSS.

The day's run awaits.