

Why I've switched back to the one-per schema: I find my day – or the digital representation of it – to be far more interesting if I synthesize it into one entity as opposed to a spread of multiple boring things; the whole, in this case, being far more interesting (to me) than the sum of its parts. (But I might be wrong; wouldn't be the first time.)

Split the NonFicThing back into separate sheets from the Assembly Draft but now there's an order, a roadmap. Started the morning with 12 sheets, brought it down to four. A better arrangement – see thoughts above re: synthesis.

(Guess that thing I read once but of course can't find again so I might have imagined it about Don DeLillo's habit of writing each paragraph on a separate piece of paper has finally come into being with this new process of processing...)

The Table is cleared of projects, the projects having been relocated to a smaller desk while The Table becomes a Lego workbench: my grandfather had to have the Technic CAT D11T bulldozer and, given his love of displaying the finished product and my complete dismissal of the finished project in favor of the process, I have my work cut out for me. Invariably, the middlemom will ask, every Sunday, my favorite day of the week, how that Lego's coming. Afternoon non-pod work, then: Lego assembly as both an investment in silence and a lesson in the outrunning of inevitablity as the recipient of said process, my grandfather, is 95 years old.

Plus, you know, the ability to make a 95-year-old smile like a kid in awe makes all of it worth it.