A little hypoglycemic evening aperitif before resultant rebound wake-up hyper-. PunyGod-ing of blood sugar, etc etc: Dash of variety, just add spices – mix to taste.
Blood sugar, approximately.
Added another brief little project last night (was I hypoglycemic when I did? Perhaps - but it's still a good move) because the only way I know how to talk about doing something is by doing it and then talking about it. If it isn't pure shit, might publish it here (and if it is pure shit, I only pollute the minds of 15 students before casting it off into the dumpster fire of the creative impulse).
COVID booster today, mix-n-match: J&J first shot back in March, Pfizer today. Let the mRNA deliciousness sate my immune system's schizophrenic appetites, if only for a minute. The stabs'n’the jabs, they begin.
Eight days of conelife remain.