

And on this, the final morning of conelife, that moment when you decide to stop watering certain seeds and accept that you've done all you can – or are willing to do within the boundaries of your values – and move on.

(Though I'll probably forget about it tomorrow but let this meander serve as marker in my personal history that I did it once and can do it again.)

After another brief flirtation with returning to once-a-day posting here, I've come back to this hodgepodge jumble: I prefer letting things out as they come to me; can do deeper processsing for bi-weekly newsletter, if warranted. This is my preferred space by which to share my “personal micro-culture," as William Gibson would say: it should be reflective of my thinking processes as well. Just where I am, for better or for worse.

Working in Muse again this morning to try to replicate the text deletion error: a testament to how much I like working in this space if I'm willing to run the risk of losing work to help make it work again  – because of course I've decided to make this particular return on the day of the presentation to UArk students...