

Current conditions: 25ºF under sunny skies. Frosty.

KID A remains fucking brilliant.

UArk conversation with a blank screen went well, in spite of the blank screen. Dogchildren were present, The Morkie made an appearance – but yes, it was an hour to a blank screen because of some technical thing. But, in a weird way, it wasn't as bad as I was worried it might be: sort of reminded me of my music performance days of yore, up on a stage, couldn't see the audience. But hell, I rolled with it and hoped that I didn't look as blank as the screen looked to me.

Re: MainFicThing: What's the holdup? What's the block? Have to figure that out before I can figure out how to get around it. Seems less a block and more an absence. Organizing too soon? Does it want to be more? Does my ambition require amplification? There's something – and I can't put my finger on it.

The DogChildren – a cone-free Kirby among them – require sustenance; the day awaits.