

The wood is split and the (surprise!potential) COVID exposure minimal at worst, exposure existing at all thanks to the idiocy of one parent too in the thrall of their own suburban McMansion survivalist "parental rights" (to turn their children into vectors for disease) horseshit to consider the ramifications of said suburban McMansion survivalist horseshit but – fortunately – three of the four splitters of the wood were jabbed and boosted and those that weren't were masked (the fourth being the unfortunate victim of said "parental rights" horseshit – cue random aside, perhaps: the propensity of those who pledge their flag-waving allegiance/fealty to "personal responsibility" and the mythology of their own vast and powerful stores of experience, Facebook-knowledge, and wisdom to always blame others for the problems created by their own horseshit never ceases to amaze me) and splitting said wood on the other side of the large yard because, as I've come to learn over my decade of being around a large family and wishing I were anywhere but but nonetheless liking each of them individually (save one or two who just outright suck), a chainsaw and an antisocial, standoffish attitude is as useful as a kitchen knife to ensure proper social distancing both indoors and out-.

In other news, Kirby is flipping out over the time change and the subsequent delay in his nom-noms.