
Found a broken mirror in the road on yesterday's run which, I suppose, was a useful foreshadowing of the soul-sucking quality of Sunday visits. I want to not be so exhausted by those, but it's become an inescapable truth of the week. On path towards refilling the well – though Monday is always a bit helter-skelter as the reorganization of self towards beloved solitude and away from loneliness around others requires more than a bit of manual rewiring, rewiring in process, at present, to the sound of screaming children on either side as parental units let the air out of the hyper-balloon before shuffling them off to school.

I'm making myself not write about work in this Morning space. Prefer to give you some weird impressions of the sights and sounds jangling about in my brain. Might report back on whether the broken mirror is still on the road or maybe not given that it's highly likely I'll forget to look.

The day awaits.