
Technological snafu - a somehow corrupted memory card in my once-beloved Podtrak P4 resulting in another lost TSR interview – capped off this week in technological distrust: while I appreciate the Muse team's efforts to look into my "vanishing text" / reversion to previous version of text bug, their "but since no one else has reported it..." hands-up-in-the-air final response and the app's pulling the vanishing act that same morning was the final nail in that coffin: I ran a non-profit with a tech team and I know all too well the "since no one else is reporting it" response, a response which grates now as it grated a decade ago – a grating which cuts deep because Muse is a truly excellent app with amazing potential save what is, for me, a catastrophic dealbreaker: if I don’t trust the tool, I can’t work with it. And right now, I don’t trust it.

Solutions: working again in Obsidian and reformatted the SD card in the P4. Coming up with a pre-recording checklist to ensure this shit never happens again – or at least minimize its potential; two lost shows out of nine is two too many. Embarassing and enraging, particularly when I recognize the time sacrifice made by someone else for something of mine.

Beautiful day otherwise. Dogchild sustenance then back to work.