
Having survived another Sunday (visit), breakfast is consumed and Kirby is scanning the out-of-doors for things to bark at. Mem: have to search for the thing I've been using to hold the screen door shut. (Update/0745: found it.)

First day of a two-week workchunk on NonFicComicsThing and re/emergence0005: plan was to spend the week getting the script for the NonFicComicsThing finished and assembling shards and fragments for what would eventually become re/0005 and switch next week but I'm almost done with the NonFicComicsThing script after just 90 minutes this morning. Might wrap it up by the end of the pre-run 90 but who knows.

(Still have to ascertain how to make it, NonFicComicsThing, come to life, but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.)

The DogChildren require sustenance; the day awaits.