
Alarm bells at 0327 thanks to the new CGM low blood sugar alert (I have it set to go off if I hit 85, which, for me, means that it'll probably start crashing; gives me a bit of a buffer zone of awareness to do something about it), ingested a few glucose tablets and laid in bed waiting for something else to happen until 0430 (usual wakeup time) but the only thing that happened was that the CGM decided it was wrong at 0327 and that, oh, nevermind, you were fine. Woke at 193. Currently fighting the quasi-hyper wrought by unecessary glucose tab consumption (didn't have a fingerstick monitor upstairs, so I winged it – oops) but there you go. I've set alarms to go off if I go above 250 - though I have to remember to turn them off at night because I always go above 250 in the middle of the night and come back to earth by breakfast – and it's not like there's anything I can do about those nightmiddle hypers during their reign of error.

Such is the life, the day to day.

Adrift in a period where everything – podcast included – is in the Friction stage; occasional glimmer of Flow, but it remains a period of Frictiony Friction. Going to make a go of connecting MG10XU mixer direct to the iPad via USB -> USB-C cable this morning to see if that solves (part of) the pod woes but I’m not holding my breath. A phrase in Oliver Burkeman’s FOUR THOUSAND WEEKS rings loud: “Stay on the fucking bus.”

The day and the leaves and the in-lawn await (joy of joys).