
Ham addition to morning's omelete (number 1825, +/-) marked a delightful change to my culinary routine; the dogchildren thought so too, thus ensuring a minor victory over the great pizza clusterfuck of last night (broke 300 for the first time in five years) and its resultant multiple stabbings to bring me back to an earthly 147 by breakfast (I've found that ye olde BS falls at least 50-60 points during my working times; even had a low during yesterday's afternoon workblock). Fortunately, I had turned off my bodily push notifications – the strangeness of which will never dissipate – so I did manage a good night's sleep.

Continuing to fiddle and muck about with the SecondFicThing I wanted to play with: a semblance of the parameters emergent so as to allow more freedom in assembling / collecting shards and fragments.

Further dogchildren-sustenance (beyond ham-omelette remnants) and requisite coldnfrosty kickball game inbound; the day awaits.