
Housemouse nearly derailed the morning's work session – even more than the standard-issue "return to MainFicThing after break from MainFicThing" inability to figure out where to start derailment – but noise-cancelling headphones made it (housemouse, not inability to start) tolerable.

Eventually: a useful - finally - way to integrate graphs and visualizations in Obsidian which I probably should have figured from the start but: create a main page for a section, add wikilinks to all of the shardsnfragments in the ShardsnFragments folder that are to comprise this particular section and start writing on that doc, with a second pane open to "local graph" to see connections (two deep, for now – though I might stick with one). Copy, paste, link, manipulate, etc etc.

I thought about returning to Twitter today but Twitter so to hell with it: I know that what I do or say doesn’t really matter but at least in this space I don’t feel bad about it and am content being the tree in the forest, focusing on the things I can control and (trying to) say(ing) fuck it to everything I can't which is pretty much everything so there.

The day awaits; the holiday gauntlet begins.