
Survived yesterday – a holiday meaning a Sunday brought during the week with pointless and soul-crushing formality – barely: blood sugar surge and resultant inability to control brain yielded a (long-coming) decision to not attend in-lawn Thanksgiving on Saturday – nor to do any cooking for it (that I can't eat anyhow) other than baked raviloi; I've tried to enjoy these gatherings for ten years and it hasn't worked – even though I like all of them, except one or two (one is a perpetual disdain, two ebbs and flows), individually – so I'm done expending my energy in an effort to pretend to be someone I’m not and never will be.

While this may seem as though I'm checking out of the family, heading towards the end of matrimony, it couldn't be further from the truth: I love being married to my wife – I'm checking out of (the majority of) these gatherings to ensure that I DON'T careen towards the end of a marriage to a woman I adore.

Contributed to Black Friday and ordered myself a set of 2021 AirPod Pros. Noise cancelling etc, at a nice discount. Didn’t need them but to hell with it. Fuck the pilgrims.

Nifty fun surprise thing incoming; the day awaits.