PlagueState notions year 3029

Thinking back to that time of innocence (half an hour ago), that time in which I had designs on writing a whole thing about something else, a time before I read this morning's Ohio Capital Journal piece – a piece with which I agree wholeheartedly – and decided that I wanted to echo and add my own notions upon its sentiments: Ohio's leadership – a term I use loosely here, having glimpsed it only once in the last ten years I've been back in this godforsaken cesspit of my birthing, that once being March 2020, when actual difficult decisions in the interest of public health were made by a Republican without regard to the whims and delusions of a fascist death cult filled with halfwit zealots I wouldn't trust to know where to stick a thermometer – has been, in the last two years, an abject, myopic failure; to echo George Carlin, fuck (every last one of) the fucking fuckers: this place has tried to kill me too many times to count over my lifetime and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a bunch of mindless anti-whatever-might-do-some-good Don-drones do what my blood couldn't do on its own.

I miss you, Amy Acton; the day, or whatever it amounts to, awaits.