well i tried logic

It is bitter fucking cold and I've reoriented my current thinking towards the application of my standard "well, I tried" home-repair response to everything as the best path forward. Noteworthy that nothing I've repaired has, thus far, broken again nor blown up - so I've got that going for me (which is nice). Hoping that this week is better than last but I'm not the most optimistic or faithful person so I'll content myself with taking things as they come as best I can. (Well, I tried.)

Return to MainFictionThing has, thus far this morning, yielded similar potentially fatal flaws in logic. Solution: consign all notions of events/happenings beyond the current one to the Fragments folder and build out from what I've already got. Forget the rest of it, focus on its "tonal frequency" of the present (as Zadie Smith would say) and let what comes come (see above / well I tried) / the day – and more shoveling – awaits.