We have heat / Batwing assembly complete / I did not mean for that to rhyme / but here are pictures

Order of the day –the now-heated-though-lacking-in-hot-water (Monday, allegedly)-day – being reconcilation between two somewhat opposing avenues on AnotherFictionThing; copious (though as yet inconclusive) mindmapping thus ensues and, as my brain is currently in a "is this shit all worth it" fog, I will leave you light on text though heavy on imagery of the assembly process of the Lego Batwing which I finished yesteday while the heater guys were Robocop-ing the innards of our failed heating system into something far better, more improved, etc etc but it was all worth it because now we have heat via a thankfully bypassed chimney and now I’ll shut up so that you may feast your eyes upon the Batwing:

New MacroParentheticals tomorrow; the day awaits.