hot water looping ETERNALS

Back to multiple postings per day because to hell with it: more permission for myself to share halfbaked notions and thought excursions and, besides, if I'm going to talk to myself, I'm going to do it somewhere I enjoy doing so.

Fascinating to me that all of my current work involves being stuck in loops: probably indicative of everything I'm thinking and feeling and what have you; these are the loops that I am looping.

Finished THE ETERNALS last night and it's the most "just there" beautiful-to-behold superhero flick I can think of. Neither bad nor particularly good, just there: I feel no different having seen it, neither glad or sad that I did – though I am distressed that they managed to make something born of Jack Kirby’s brain so rote and boring (that said, I will admit to never being as into THE ETERNALS as I am THE NEW GODS - while I’m still wanting to see what Ava Duvernay would have done with it, I say unleash the Wachowskis on that: their SPEED RACER is still a favorite – proof positive that they could capture the madness of Kirby’s imagination as well as anybody) – though did it remind me why BODYGUARD convinced me that Richard Madden would be an excellent Bond.

Hot water (and a FocusRite Scarlett2i2) allegedly inbound; the day awaits.