We have heat and hot water

and all is well, save for the brown occasionally coming out of the faucets (thanks old pipes jostled during the grand install) though slightly less so today than yesterday; bit by bit, hopefully – if it doesn't resolve, will drain the new tank and refill. If that doesn't work, another call is in order. Iron, yum.

Still digging the Scarlett 2i2 – and I just got an excuse to play with it some more over the next week. Hopefully doing so will help me figure a way to make it record in both channels for solo stuff that doesn't involve an XLR split but we'll see. For now, holding firm that I probably should have purchased this before any of my other efforts but, like I said yesterday, live and learn.

Winter storm watch starts tomorrow at 1900: will unearth storm drains from snow after lunch before start of tomorrow’s apparent rain onslaught; the day awaits.