Edit on our (mostly useless because it's not like you want to see your text formatting before you publish, right?) mobile app or on the computer you dont have

Update: 202202050856: I have ordered the Mac Mini.


Operating this site at limited capacity, thanks to Squarespace's latest sojurn into cocking up their otherwise useful works and rendering my iPad mostly useless when it comes to sitestuff that isn't text or dog/Gumby pictures so, until I make a decision about what to do here, everything requiring embeds and audio (Socialized Recluse, EarBliss, Quotebacks, etc etc) is on hold.

Multiple options: one, wait on them – though I've been waiting on a bug fix they said would take a bit of time for the last two years; two, to dig my 2011 MacBook Air out of cold (literally – it's freezing in my office until I come in and turn on the space heater) – which didn't work and won't work, RIP little buddy; three, waste countless more hours coming up with workarounds for the increasingly massive failure that switching to working entirely on an iPad has become; and four, say fuck it, spring for a Mac Mini (which I should have done in the first place, probably) and move along sans exhausting and time-wasting workarounds in both web, work, and pod-ding while requesting Squarespace to reimburse me the cost because gahfuckshitalltofuck like that last bit is ever going to happen (the Mini probably will, 60/40 at the moment, up from 51/49 before breakfast)…

… but hey it's the day to liberate Teh (other set of) Oldze (because I had a low blood sugar while liberating the first yesterday and couldn't continue on, mostly because I'm running low on glucose shots which reminds me that it's time to stock up on precious fast-acting life-giving horrific-tasting sugar smackies); the day awaits.