Newsletter Sunday 0067

This week's MacroParentheticals inbound and I am awake and mostly alive as my left elbow continues its reign of post-shovelling terror (though it pales in comparison to my 95-year-old grandfather's post-icefall broken elbow which, he claims, becasted and with much trepidation about it puncturing the skin, hasn't caused him any pain; my operating theory is that at least 50% of his bloodstream is comprised of poppies or he's like that one Bond villain from THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH that couldn't feel any pain and was a lot better in THE FULL MONTY) but at least all Oldze are liberated and that cloud is lifted until the next snowclouds dump their produce.

Just received a notification that I will, apparently receive my COVID tests in the mail by the 10th. Big delivery week this week: Mac Mini, Invisible Man, Werewolves... oh my.

Macro0067 in +/- 60; the day awaits.