
Spent much of the morning and early afternoon dreading the whole "test the Scarlett with the new Mac Mini" thing because the last eight months of pod recording have been nothing but hail marys, wasted time (mine and others) and grey hair leading me to question the point of doing the fucking thing at all but, lo and behold to many exhalations, the Scarlett hooked up flawlessly, Audacity downloaded – all of the menu items being in the same place they've been for the last 15-20 years – and I managed to record the week's GROUND LOOP response in 10 minutes, just like the good old days off the MacBook Air and the MG10xu (though with far fewer cables and knobs). Relief, etc etc. Should have used this setup eight months ago but hell, live and learn. Next up: have to test an interview before next Tuesday – but this is above and beyond in the halls of the relief department.