
dreamt in FAR CRY last night – liberations, Supremos, Chorizo, etc etc... Kirby's waging a war with a stick across our arctic tundra in which winter cold has returned for a day or so before it pisses off for spring weather before that in turn pisses off for a return to winter cold: ah, Ohio winter in this, our era of plague (covid / stupid / take your pick) and Manchin-continued irreversible climate change - but hey, we still have heat and (much less brown, mostly clear now) hot water... GHOST PROTOCOL still holds up – realized that it wasn't GP I couldn’t remember but ROGUE NATION; FALLOUT I remember quite well – Vanessa has that effect - but I can’t remember a thing about ROGUE NATION – was that the one with the plane? ... working: the fourth module, the final part of the first zine – or at least that's the plan; want to try it and learn how to zine before I commit to zining bigger things... back to work / the day awaits.