zettel/obsidian process updates

Wanted to provide an update on my current writing / Zettelkasten workflow (Obsidian + Analogue) list as it currently stands in this, the era of the Mac Mini; maybe you'll find something useful in it.


...  or at least my ANALOG (I do not use Obsidian as a zettelkasten system – though I do transfer cards to Obsidian on a project basis – for the purposes I'm about to lay out) version of it: In our six months together, I've come to think of the ZK as less a repository for all notes and more of an index of the notebooks/journals and books that populate my library (appropriate, given that it rests inside an antique library card catlog). While I use tags, I rarely link notes up – but I am an inveterate highlighter, with each type of note – from my notebooks, from a book – fiction and non- – and "used" highlighted with a corresponding color in both index card and in book/notebook. Also, I rarely include a full note on a card: it's mostly a direction to a particular page in a particular notebook (Volume 27, currently) or a duly marked and bracketed book.

While the copious notecard-taking has dwindled, it's still useful, and, while I don't often reference it, the creation of handwritten cards, both from notebooks and from books, is the best retention tool I've come up with. Exceedingly useful though still – I will reiterate here as I have done in the past – not for everyone.


I've fallen more in love with it since switching over to the Mini: SO NICE to write in and work with. Dig the hell out of foldable headings: huge help with focus, especially as my drafts are documents assembled from different pieces (fragments and shards).

Started using their Daily Notes feature as a process of processing workhour notebook scribbles, as a reference for the next chunk of work, and as a record of music I've listened to for returning EarBliss features here. While I'm trying to stick with writing in the notebook first and following my therapist's method of scribbling during a session then pausing every 15 minutes by saying "let's type this up," I do find the frictionless capture exceedingly useful (especially when paired with my "New Zettelkasten note" hotkey which sends fragments and shards right to my inbox); handwritten notes more for processing than capture? Starting to lean that way.

Oh, right: the ability to create templates and easily insert them is spectacular. I have one for interviews, for all sorts of things - and they've become absolutely essential. Still a lot of work in migration, but I know it will be worth it.

Both the ZK and Obsidian are, nonhyperpolically, transformative. (If you've got any questions, shoot me an email.)