dissipate / exuberance / return

The Sanctum did not flood (nor did the basement, surprisingly) and it seems that yesterday's road-and-field-obliterating floodwaters have dissipated – most fortunate, given the 20ºF+/- temp drop yesterday afternoon and evening: backroad ice skating not recommended.

(Also not recommended: being headbutted by an exuberant German Shepherd dogchild at 0600 (or at any time of day or night) for the stars, they shine they shine.)

Efforts to replace DVDs with Blu editions continue even though I told myself they wouldn't (a balm, no doubt, for the acute and unfolding reminder of why I left this backwater hell in the first place twenty years ago and consider my return to be – in spite of my connubial and dogchild bliss – a failure) until I made my way through the other unopened results of said efforts (LES VAMPIRES, NOSFERATU, MULHOLLAND DRIVE, among others)): ordered the Blu of VAMPYR when I ordered Chemex filters because the impulse buy (via premeditation) has come to online ordering in the form of shopping lists. Dream TSR guest remains Guillermo del Toro to talk NOSFERATU and VAMPYR.

16+ hours of Eliane Radigue right here.

Might've figured out the thing that the thing discussed yesterday wants to be: my wife read it and liked it so of course I changed the form because it still didn't feel right (though I might be wrong – wouldn't be the first time) even when given the seal of approval by someone whose taste I trust implicitly. The question being now how (say brown cow) to release it in a way – other than newsletter exclusive / paid individual non-subscriber – that satisfies a desire to both get the thing out into the unforgiving silence of the ether AND experiment with physical release; while I'm as close as ever to a solution, I want to give it a few days to settle before I decide whether or not the solution I'm looking at is the solution I'm looking for or the solution I thought I was looking for.

And finally: it's good to be home – in this space, that is: couldn't think of a better new name to call these menagerie/collision morning ritual posts so it's only fitting that I return them to the name that always fit them best: Informalities.