notetaking moderation upon an alphabetized menagerie of influence and/or inspiration

Updated Access page; Module0004, arriving Sunday (free for NL subscribers, $1.99 for non-), now has a title – until it doesn't.

Started a fresh notebook (Volume 28) this morning (Baron Fig Confidant – I like that they plant a tree for every notebook purchased; comforting to know that my inane scribbles at least do SOME good for the world) and abandoned much of the Bullet Journal methodology, at least within the NB. My index is my zettelkasten / card system (might write a fuller thing about that at some point – including what I use and what I throw out in the method); efforts underway to make my notetaking as much for later reference as it is for brain exorcism/processing via ink (see: inane scribbles, above).

Thinking here of something Sertillanges said in THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE re: notetaking:

"Keep notes made after thinking, and with moderation. In order to avoid some first minute suprises, the effect of some passing preoccupation, or the enthusiasm sometimes aroused by a brilliant form of words, do not definitely include the passage in your notes without letting some time elapse. Quietly, at the right distance, you will judge of the value of your harvest and store up only the good grain in your barns."

But: my method involves using the notebooks as a space to think and using the zettelkasten/index card system as the guide and storehouse for those thoughts and notions potentially useful beyond their brain-clearing/process-of-processing capacities. Todo, then: make handwriting neater (ever ongoing); create defined processing times throughout the day (two or three, probably); consider a different organization of index cards – in addition to indexing the notebooks, they are also where I index bracketed and marked-up books – more in line with how it best works for me (still figuring that part out) / balance, balance, balance.

VAMPYR Blu has arrived and supplants my coffee-stained DVD edition which now lives in The Sanctum for some purpose TBD. Thinking: my current writing style can best be described as somewhere between VAMPYR and THE LIGHTHOUSE, whatever that means or spells for form or for material. Related, perhaps: my fantasy shelf space is to have a Sanctum that won't flood and is possessed of enough shelving to include BluRays and DVDs and Vinyls alongside the hallowed books: all of my disparate influences and inspirations unfolding in an alphabetized menagerie of good shit. Dreamdream / related, in reiteration/broken record: TSR dreamchat is and remains talking VAMPYR and NOSFERATU with Guillermo Del Toro. Someday maybe.

One of my favorite recent discoveries, Ukrainian artist 58918012, is back with a new album, NEEDLE TIP: this is challenging, brutal stuff (made even more so by the context and time in which it is released) and an absolute a must-listen (and support):