
... though refrigeration returns, allegedly, between 0930 and 1330 today: in the event that they tell me – as they did with either the washer or the dryer or the washer and the dryer – that it won't fit through the door, I will break out the chainsaw and make it fit: such is my determination to bring this latest episode in our season of broken appliances (in the last six weeks: furnace, hot water heater (in the same day), vacuum, and fridge with a d) to a moderately satisfying conclusion.

Also: I look forward to a freezer that doesn't require yogic contortions and stretches for me to be able to reach the keto ice cream in the standup freezer without having to ask my wife who is much taller than I to reach in and get it; I almost fell in last night attempting to grab hold of my beloved eight-carb chocolate peanut butter. And that salted caramel. So good.

New TSR conversation tonight: same one that spent a month in my spam folder because I was too used to things working to look there for three and a half weeks. Noteworthy, here, that my pervasive worries of heading into said interview lacking in capacity to carry on a conversation about the subject matter was, unsurprisingly, unfounded: 90 minutes this morning and I'm good to go. Looking very forward.

Digging the hell out of Universal Control - not sure it will become as invaluable for my day to day as it seems for some, but I'm willing to give it an honest go. Two things I've noticed so far: bigtime battery drain on the M1 iPad Pro (which has been a thing since at least 15.2); and I would like to be able to enable a hot key to jump from monitor to iPad as I tend to leap over there when I mean only to open another document from the Obsdian sidebar.