
46ºF, currently, and sunny. High of 71ºF forecast and I am, apparently, older than 64% of the world's population and have 43 years left to live. Go me.

At some point within the next week of those remaining 43 years my car will be in the shop: I don't necessarily consider its visit to the car vet to be among the legion of appliances (WE STILL HAVE REFRIGERATION!) replaced over the last six weeks as it, my car, has been a constant nickel-and-dimer since I arrived back in Ohio from my east-coast decade+/- a decade+ ago which reminds me I need to give the wing mirrors their spring duct tape reattachment.

Finished YAKUZA 4 last night and I'm struggling to decide if it was, indeed, my least favorite of the series (I've been playing them in order from 0 for the last year or so) – or if my months in between gameplay (thanks, HALO INFINITE and FAR CRY 6 - totally worth it, though) made me forget everything I had barely remembered in the first place – like the fighting style and rhythm of each of the four protagonists - and rendered any plot impact inert. IDK. Taking a break from the series to try something else – maybe ELDEN RING or HITMAN 3 – and then will resume my mad dash through the series with YAKUZA 5 which apparently has even more protagonists so I can forget five fighting styles instead of four. Still, YAKUZA remains one of my favorite series: Kamurochō is nothing if not an endlessy intriguing place to call videogame home.

At some point I'd like to get around to assembling and recording intros and outros for the two TSR interviews I have to assemble over the next two weeks, prep for the third, get this abysmal Sanctum internet situation worked out (far more difficult to deal with now that I'm back to a desktop computer, my beloved M1 Mac Mini) and fix the backyard fencing before spring really kicks into gear and I'm beholden to the lawncare needs of the in-oldze for next eight months of the 43 years I have left but hey WE STILL HAVE REFRIGERATION AND IT IS WONDERFUL.