my beeping neighbor / my fucking back

The beeping from the neighbor's big backyard project continues: they moved much dirt yesterday, probably putting something on the moved dirt today or maybe moving more dirt IDK. Should make recording the intro/outro for tomorrow's new TSR release a great time.

Day two of the great lab experiment (changing my running time for the first time in 10 years (five pre-T1D, five after) and I'm standing firm in my resolve to make this stick. It was, as I wrote yesterday, truly wonderful to come back from the run and to know that I could go back to work for another couple of hours before the AM of AM is mine, PM is yours turns to PM and theirs.

Note: second cup of coffee will wait until AFTER the run. That wasn't fun yesterday.

My back remains a lesson in abject personal torture but it's nothing that a hot towel can't solve for five minutes after a minute in the microwave… my car didn't survive the trip to car vet: made it back home dragging an exhaust pipe and cursing (executing a 180 turnaround in the middle of the road at the top of a hill when you couldn't reverse down it because you'd rip the muffler off was quite a fun trick). Car vet bringing their tow truck to pick it up later this morning. Beep beep.

TITANFALL 2 = HALO / RED FACTION meets THE IRON GIANT. Digging it. Also, UNPACKING is a delight. Finished Pornsak Picheshote's comics writing debut, INFIDEL, last night. Easily one of my favorite new writers working today: if I haven't sung his praises enough, here's my take on THE GOOD ASIAN..

An approach to publication becoming more and more clear.
