this being my forest and all


Kirby continues his "I don't wanna eat when you tell me to eat I wanna eat when i wanna eat" adolescent male shenanigans but hey.

This is my forest: Earnest efforts underway at being content to be the lone tree falling, a general acceptance of this being where I am and a general indifference directed towards future or towards past, a comfort with being unknown no matter how much it can sting; a recognition, too, that by feeling guilty over the luxury I have to dedicate myself to The Work, I'm doing more of disservice to K's generosity and belief in me than I am by not racking up perceived results.

Simple - not easy.

My car is home from the car vet, loud as ever – but at least the muffler's no longer dragging on the road and the next service is 5K miles away which should take me up to my desired two years to make the move to an electric given that the primary destinations of my life are within a ten-mile radius down which I travel once or twice a week.

I made my mind up to make a mind map of my path forward: in my head it was an essential labyrinthine representation of a genuine creative direction; in reality, a five-second document that spelled out everything I already decided to do that didn't make a clear path any more clear.

TSR0011, my conversation with Buttondown creator Justin Duke, is live; the day awaits.