voidwind serenade

Adrift in that post-release void, uncertain of my next steps except to take one and to do the work and all that stuff. Have to get better at ignoring the silence. Just do my thing and be. Working on it.

High wind warning at 2334 heralded, appropriately, high winds all night long, the open window and aforementioned high winds doing little to make my seasonal allergies made all the more worse by the superhighbounceballness of it all any better but the warning was cancelled not long before I got up and, after some heavy rain that I didn't hear because I was working and listening to good music, the sun is shining and the winds seem to have settled until they decide to unsettle themselves because Ohio. The fence still stands. Victory.

I am fascinated by these 360ºpop-up books.

Halfway through MOON KNIGHT Episode One (long story as to why we only made it halfway). Digging it and no I don't care about his accent. Picking up some Latveria / Doctor Doom vibes from Ethan Hawke and his village even though I know that "mygod this means INSERT MEPHISTO OR OTHER VILLAIN HERE is finally coming to the MCU" is the in thing and I'm definitely wrong anyhow so there.

Eating in a restaurant tonight, first time in almost a year: ever since T1D, I pretty much stopped enjoyed dining out – especially since I can cook most of what I would eat elsewhere at home anyhow; the plague made that decisive lack of enjoyment even more prevalent. Wasn't worth the effort. Good friends do, however, have a way of changing that calculus.